
Here is a little background

I am a highly motivated and self-taught developer with a strong commitment to continuous learning and professional growth. With over 15 years of experience as an SAP Consultant, I have developed a solid foundation in enterprise systems and business processes.

Driven by a genuine passion for technology, I have embarked on a journey to expand my expertise in the exciting realms of blockchain and web development. I am particularly captivated by the potential of blockchain, which empowers financial services to operate autonomously, leveraging automated protocols to facilitate instant and secure fund transfers.

To stay at the forefront of these cutting-edge technologies, I have immersed myself in the web3 ecosystem, delving into areas such as NFTs, DeFi, and DAOs. I am proficient in a range of front-end frameworks including React and Next.js, while also honing my back-end proficiency with languages like Node.js, Solidity, Hardhat, Truffle and Ethers.js.

Complementing my practical experience, I am a proud graduate of the prestigious Chainshot Bootcamp (March 2022), where I acquired invaluable insights and refined my technical skills under the guidance of industry experts.

My portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects that demonstrate my technical prowess and creative problem-solving abilities. I approach each endeavor with meticulous attention to detail, delivering high-quality solutions that exceed client expectations.

Checkout my CV here



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NFT Minting DApp with Airdrop

Case Study 1 of 5 NFT Minting DApp with Airdrop

Next.jsTypescriptTailwind CSSSolidity

This project comprises three Solidity smart contracts that enable users to mint NFTs, participate in an airdrop, and claim additional NFTs through the airdrop using a Merkle tree. The contracts follow the ERC721 and ERC1155 standards to manage NFTs and airdrop tokens, respectively.

Crowdsale ICO

Case Study 2 of 5 Crowdsale ICO


This project implements a Crowdsale contract that facilitates the sale of tokens in exchange for Ether (ETH). The Crowdsale contract allows users to participate in the token sale by sending Ether to the contract address and receiving tokens in return. The project aims to provide a secure and transparent platform for fundraising through token sales.

Defi Suite

Case Study 3 of 5 Defi Suite

SolidityNext.jsTypescriptTailwind CSS

DeFi Suite is a collection of Solidity smart contracts that power various decentralized finance (DeFi) features, including token swapping, liquidity provision, staking, lending, borrowing, and more.


Case Study 4 of 5 ComputeFi


The Project aims to create a decentralized funding mechanism for AI inference,training and compute where users or entire communities can operate open source AI models by using yield generated from their staked capital. Project submission for Constellation: A Chainlink Hackathon

Decentralized Kickstarter dApp

Case Study 5 of 5 Decentralized Kickstarter dApp

Next.jsTypescriptTailwind CSSSolidity

The Crowdfunding Smart Contract is a decentralized application (dApp) built on the Ethereum blockchain.The contract implements a Keeper-compatible interface to perform regular upkeep tasks, such as updating the status of expired campaigns.It utilizes the Chainlink library for price feed functionality, allowing campaigns to accept donations in different currencies.


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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia